Category Archives: Latest News


By: CropLife International

Papayas are grown and enjoyed in many parts of the world — from Taiwan to Cuba, and from South Africa to Greece. They’re eaten on-the-go as a quick refreshing snack, and incorporated into dishes like Cambodian bok l’hong or Javanese buntil. Papayas are especially important in Hawaii, where they are grown both on big commercial farms and in families’ personal gardens. They have been a staple local fruit and principal export ever since they were first introduced to the islands over 100 years ago. But if it weren’t for the efforts of Dr. Dennis Gonsalves and his diverse team of plant scientists from the public and private sectors to save the fruit, the papaya industry may have been lost. For decades, papayas in Hawaii were plagued by the papaya ringspot virus, or PRSV, named for its iconic symptom of rings appearing on the papaya’s skin. The virus, transmitted to papaya plants via insects feeding on the leaves, spreads and kills quickly.

Jonathan Valdez is a professional dietitian nutritionist from Hawaii, whose family witnessed the effects of PRSV on papaya firsthand. Listen to his own words on the importance of papayas in Hawaii, the devastation PRSV had on farmers, and how plant science came to the rescue.

After years of spread throughout the Hawaiian Islands, the production of papayas was for a time safely relegated to a specific region in the Puna District on the Big Island. However, despite efforts to prevent its spread, by 1992 PRSV had penetrated the Puna District and its effects were instantly noticeable. By 1997, statewide papaya production fell from 55.8 million pounds to 35.7 million pounds. After failed efforts and solutions to contain the virus and stop the spread, papayas in Hawaii were facing an existential crisis. But there was one solution still in the works that showed major potential — biotechnology.

“Basically, we were following the pioneering work of Roger Beachy’s lab on transgenic tobacco and tomato for resistance to tobacco mosaic virus,” said Dr. Gonsalves. “Our team consisted of Richard Manshardt, a horticulturist at University of Hawaii; Maureen Fitch, a graduate student of Richard Manshardt focusing on papaya tissue culture and transformation; and Jerry Slightom, a molecular biologist at Upjohn Company.”

Dr. Gonsalves and his team had to identify the specific gene in the virus that, if inserted in a papaya’s genetic makeup, would make them resistant to PRSV. Once they identified that gene, they used it to create a variety of papaya seeds with DNA including said trait. Using new technology, the team inserted an isolated protein gene of the virus into the cells of papaya seeds, which then grew into resistant papaya plants.

“We made timely research progress because our team had expertise in molecular biology, virology, horticulture and tissue culture, and we were focused on the specific goal of developing a transgenic papaya to help farmers,” said Dr. Gonsalves.

The researchers and farmers planted GM papaya seeds — which produced a protein that made it resistant to PRSV — along with a set of non-GM papaya seeds in a trial. The trials were a huge success, as the GM papayas were found to be resistant to PRSV while the non-GM papayas were wiped out.

The next step was to gain regulatory approvals — not just for the export of the papayas themselves, but also the seeds for farmers throughout the world to grow. Dr. Gonsalves and his team created two varieties of the GM papaya, called SunUp papaya and Rainbow papaya.

“SunUp and Rainbow papaya were potential candidates to rescue the papaya industry from the devastation of PRSV — but transgenic papaya needed regulatory approval,” said Dr. Gonsalves. “Since our team did not have company backing and we were committed to helping the farmers, we took it upon ourselves to file for deregulation. We petitioned USDA-APHIS, the FDA and the EPA for the deregulation of GM papaya line 55-1, the transgenic parent of SunUp and Rainbow.”

“When we got approval in 1998, six years after PRSV invaded the papaya in Puna, a celebration was held in Hilo and initial seeds were released free to growers,” Dr. Gonsalves continued.

After a much-deserved celebration, Dr. Gonsalves still worked with international regulators to ensure that GM papaya can be exported throughout the world — including key markets like Japan, Canada and China.

Today, a vast majority of the papayas grown in Hawaii are GM, grown with resistance to the virus.

“The transgenic papaya saved the Hawaiian papaya industry, and growers began planting transgenic papaya and reclaiming PRSV-infect papaya fields,” said Dr. Gonsalves. “Rainbow became — and still is —the dominant cultivar grown in Hawaii, always present in the supermarkets and farmer’s markets alike.”

Modern genetic engineering can accomplish in just a few years what traditional plant trait breeding used to take decades to do. Thanks to the efforts of plant scientists and genetic biologists, a popular and globally enjoyed fruit was saved from possible extinction — to say nothing of the impact these innovations had on local communities and the livelihoods of farmers and papaya producers across the food value chain. This is just one example of how biotechnology works behind the scenes to improve lives.

“I believe that the transgenic papaya enabled the Hawaiian people to continue to have ready access to a fruit that has been traditionally eaten in Hawaii,” Dr. Gonsalves continued. “The transgenic papaya is nutritious, delicious and it is arguably the least expensive fruit on the supermarket shelves in Hawaii.”

“I have not seen a PRSV infected papaya tree in several years — the result of herd immunity,” said Dr. Gonsalves. “Our papaya project shows that a bunch of public sector scientists can produce a GMO product and help to get it to farmers by going the extra mile. It is my hope that more public sector GMO projects will be done to help farmers and people.”

The innovations spearheaded by Dr. Gonsalves and his team were vital to protecting this important crop and promoting local economies in Hawaii. Plant science plays a key role in protecting crops, mitigating the effects of climate change and improving nutrition globally. Watch the video below to hear dietitian Jonathan Valdez’s professional insights on GMOs and the importance of looking to science and evidence to help form your opinions.

The innovations spearheaded by Dr. Gonsalves and his team were vital to protecting this important crop and promoting local economies in Hawaii. Plant science plays a key role in protecting crops, mitigating the effects of climate change and improving nutrition globally. Watch the video to hear dietitian Jonathan Valdez’s professional insights on GMOs and the importance of looking to science and evidence to help form your opinions.

If you enjoyed this and would like to watch a video retelling of the GM papaya success story, read personal testimonials from farmers, and find answers to your questions about GMOs, visit


By: CropLife International

Across the globe, farmers are protecting our global food supply from the world’s most destructive pests. Check out these infographics below to see how plant science is aiding farmers in their fight and providing sustainable approaches to pest management.


The Desert Locust is a serious threat to the food security of East Africa, and crop protection products play a key role in preventing hunger and starvation in the region.


Fall Armyworm is native to the tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas and has been found in Eastern and Central North America, South America, and most recently, detected in Africa and Asia. Because its mature moths can fly almost 500km (300 miles), it could quickly migrate from Africa into southern Europe.”

Farmers in China are looking to plant science innovations to help fight the fall armyworm, like FAW–resistant biotech corn, and other IPM technologies in their agricultural toolkit.


Already threatening farmer livelihoods across Asia and Africa, the TR4 fusarium fungus is now hitting South American banana plantations and has no known fungicidal treatment, but there is hope thanks to the advancement of genetic modification technologies.

Given the rapid spread and devastation of Fusarium TR4, genetic engineering tools offer an effective, safe, and viable way to develop resistant varieties. Genetic engineering, which facilitates the transfer of useful genes across species, has been shown to offer numerous advantages to circumvent the natural bottlenecks to breeding bananas for its improvement.

The example of the Gros Michel and the Cavendish banana varieties highlight the significant threat posed by a pest that has no control method and the importance of an effective and accessible agricultural toolkit, including genetic modification technologies.


West Africa is a powerhouse of cocoa production, but one of the world’s most beloved crops is facing immense pressure from pests, and farmers are working harder than ever to keep the supply of cocoa going, on top of facing climate related stressors.

West Africa is also suffering under the Cacao Swollen Shoot Virus (CSSV) which can kill trees in just three years, and has no cure. It is estimated that since 1946 more than 200 million cocoa trees have been cut down due to CSSV.

Ensuring that West Africa farmers have access to the full agricultural toolkit will enable them to effectively meet the challenge of pest management on their cocoa farms. Without flexible and accessible options, the world’s supply of one of its more treasured crops could be under serious threat.


Integrated pest management is critical in dealing with some of the toughest of pests, like speargrass, that would otherwise run rampant destroying millions of hectares of crops. It is critical for farmers to not only have access to, but be educated on the variety of plant science technologies that are available to them.


By: CropLife International

The World Food Prize (WFP) is awarded for a specific, exceptionally significant, individual achievement that advances human development with a demonstrable increase in the quantity, quality, availability of, or access to food through creative interventions at any point within the full scope of the food system. All of the women recognized below have been bestowed this prestigious award for their contributions to feeding our planet.

Dr. Maria Andrade and Dr. Jan Low, Developed the biofortified orange-fleshed sweet potato at the CGIAR International Potato Center.

Dr. Maria Andrade and Dr. Jan Low were both awarded the 2016 World Food Prize for the development and application of biofortification, breeding vitamins and nutrients into crops. Their efforts have dramatically reduced ‘hidden’ hunger for millions around the world.

Born in 1958 in the Cape Verde Islands, Andrade secured a place at the University of Arizona, studying Agronomy with support from an African-American Institute scholarship. She received a masters in Plant Genetics before earning a Ph.D. in Plant Breeding from North Carolina state University in 1994. Andrade orientated her efforts towards improving food security in Africa and developed a profound interest in biofortified crops after conducting her Ph.D. research on the sweet potato.

Jan Low was born in 1995 in Colorado before attending Pomona College in California. She undertook a study abroad programme in Kenya which inspired her to build a career in Africa where she became committed to combating Vitamin A deficiency and improving nutrition.

To counter the tragic effects of Vitamin A deficiency, both Andrade and Low conducted a multi-year research project to develop disease-resistant, drought-tolerant and high-yielding varieties of orange-fleshed sweet potato. This sweet potato variant is widely grown in the variable conditions of Sub-Saharan Africa.

Collaborating as a team with Robert Mwanga, Andrade and Low demonstrated that Vitamin A enriched crops provide immense benefits to human health and childhood development. After gaining financial backing from funders such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the team began breeding programs of orange-fleshed sweet potato varieties across Africa.

Andrade and Low’s efforts have forged a new alliance among agronomists, plant breeders,  and public health experts, altering the way the international community functions. Even more importantly, their development of a biofortified sweet potato has dramatically reduced levels of micronutrient deficiencies, hunger and disease for millions in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Dr. Mary-Dell Chilton, Developed science of modern plant biotechnology

Joint winner of the 2013 World Food Prize, Dr Mary-Dell Chilton was a pioneer in the plant biotechnology space and her research has greatly improved sustainability and global food security.

Chilton was born in Indianapolis in 1939. Chilton’s studies focused on the chemical basis of biological specificity and she soon became intrigued by the possibilities of genetics and plant biotechnology.

Chilton’s research at Washington University provided evidence that plant genomes could be manipulated in a far more sophisticated way than was possible using traditional plant breeding. In the next phase of her career at Syngenta Biotechnology, Chilton set up one of the world’s first agricultural biotechnology programs. The program utilised Chilton’s ground-breaking research in areas such as disease and insect resistance.

Upon receiving the World Food Prize in 2013, Chilton had already spent three decades overseeing and improving the implementation of the new technology she helped develop. The work of Chilton, and the other receivers of the 2013 World Food Prize, led to the creation of a new term, ’agricultural biotechnology’. Ag biotech allowed for engineered crops that improved yields, helped combat disease and displayed increased tolerance to a variety of environmental conditions.

The work of Chilton has improved the yields and incomes of farmers in over 30 countries. Today, corn, soyabeans, canola and cotton are biotech crops which are grown on a large scale and are an essential part of agricultural production. In 2018, up to 17 million farmers planted biotech crops, with 95% of those coming from developing countries. As a result of Chilton’s discoveries, millions of smallholder farmers and their families have seen increased incomes and greater food security.

Jo Luck, Building Heifer International into one of the world’s foremost grassroots organizations, leading the charge to end hunger and poverty around the globe

Jo Luck was the joint-winner of the 2010 World Food Prize for her valiant efforts in fighting hunger and providing income-producing animals to over 12 million families through her role at Heifer International.

Born in 1941 in Arkansas, Luck studied at Hendrix College and became a teacher before being hired as the first director of Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families. Following experience as Director of Parks and Tourism for Arkansas, Jo luck became director of global services at Heifer International. Here she travelled across the world, visiting remote sites and getting first-hand experience of the organization’s work in helping lift people out of poverty.

In 1992, Luck became CEO of Heifer and expanded the organisation’s efforts to combat hunger by teaching communities how to become self-sustaining. Financial support for the organisation grew exponentially throughout her leadership and Heifer soon enabled many to access nutritious food, with more than 34 million families helped as of 2021.

One of Luck’s innovative approaches as CEO included increasing the public’s knowledge of how life choices made in wealthier countries affect those living in deprived communities. She issued a call to action to supporters which collectively funded over 30 varieties of livestock and animals from water buffaloes to bees in addition to trees and seeds. This initiative grew capacity within malnourished communities and created a sustainable food supply to support livelihoods.

Luck is now one of the most inspirational speakers in the world on the issue of hunger and food security. She transformed Heifer International into a top-class organization fighting hunger across the planet and laying the groundwork for more sustainable food supplies.

Catherine Bertini, Transformed the World Food Programme

The winner of the 2003 World Food Prize was Catherine Bertini. As its leader, Bertini transformed the World Food Programme from a development assistance program into the world’s largest and most effective humanitarian relief organisation. Although plant science is important in increasing the quantity and quality of food, increasing accessibility to this food is equally critical.

Bertini was born in 1950 in New York where she attended school and university, earning a degree in political science from the State University of New York at Albany in 1971. Bertini worked in philanthropic and government affairs in Chicago before becoming the assistant Secretary at the US Department of Agriculture in 1989. Her experience overseeing 13 food assistance programmes prepared her to head the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP).

As executive director of the WFP, Bertini spent much of her time on the ground, observing the processes of food distribution. She pursued fundamental reforms, enhancing the programme’s effectiveness and turning the WFP into the most responsive humanitarian relief organization in the world. In 2003, the year after Bertini left her post, the WFP shipped 1,000 metric tons of food every hour of every day.

Bertini was also a strong believer in women taking an active role in channelling food aid as a means of ensuring equitable distribution. By the end of her term, over 60% of the WFP’s assistance was delivered through women. Bertini also prioritized the fight against childhood malnutrition during her tenure at the WFP. Under her leadership, 3.3 million North Korean children and millions of the country’s citizens were saved from severe malnutrition.

Bertini has undoubtedly transformed the lives of millions of people in some of the world’s most deprived areas. She was and still is a champion in the fight against malnutrition and her work transformed the WFP into an efficient, responsive and highly effective organisation.

Dr. Evangelina Villegas, Developing high quality protein maize (QPM)

Winner of the 2000 World Food Prize – the first woman to be recognized by this award – Dr. Evangelina Villegas’ years of research and work were focused on improving the nutritional content and productivity of maize. Thanks to the plant science innovations of Dr. Villegas, there was a dramatic improvement in food security and enhanced health that continues to reduce poverty and hunger.

Born in Mexico City, Dr. Villegas started her career in 1950 as a chemist and researcher at Mexico’s National Institute of Nutrition before continuing her education in the US in the 1960s, earning a Ph.D. in cereal chemistry from North Dakota State University.

Her most impactful work would be conducted at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), which she joined in 1967. At CIMMYT, during the early 70s, her and Dr. Surinder K. Vasal began collaborating in Mexico on improving the protein quality of maize. This work would follow that of World Food Prize founder Dr. Norman Borlaug, who 30 years earlier had revolutionized wheat production in the country.

Maize is a staple food across much of the world, with 90 million hectares of it currently grown by farmers across Mexico, Central America, Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. Following rice and wheat, maize’s position as the third most important cereal crop in the world meant that improving its nutritional content could have far-reaching impacts for the hundreds of millions of people who rely upon it.

The maize germplasm developed through Dr. Villegas’s research has added billions to the economies of developing countries and improved the diets of millions of previously undernourished people. This is one of the most significant contributions to improving food security in human history.

The work of these laureates is critical as they continue to be on the front lines of combatting global hunger. The UN World Food Programme in 2020 received the Nobel Peace Prize for their lifesaving food assistance to millions across the globe. Read more here about other World Food Prize winners and the work they are doing to end world hunger.


By: CropLife International

This month marks the International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2021. Ensuring full and equal participation of women and girls in education and science is crucial to realising the potential of science as a means of improving the world. Gender equality and science have been identified by the UN as vital to achieving the 2030 agenda for sustainable development.

While things have improved significantly, but women and girls still face barriers to their full participation in science and education. Take this quiz to test your knowledge on women and girls in science.


By: CropLife International

Are you a woman interested in a career in plant science? Here’s a field guide to help you get started.

Believe it or not, plant science is not just about farming! Whether you are interested in engineering, or biology, there is a myriad of opportunities in the plant science industry for women. While women have always played a vital role in feeding the world, they can now do so in so many new fields, not just farming.

And there’s a real need for increased representation of women in plant science. The plant science industry is working hard to close the gender gap and increase opportunities for women to have equal access to technologies and plant science solutions; however, women from some countries and regions still face significant hurdles. While the majority of working women in developing countries rely on agriculture as their main form of income, only about a quarter of agricultural researchers in Africa are women—and of that quarter, only 14% hold leadership positions within their research teams.

Climate change, population growth and other factors present challenges to all farmers – but women often lack access to the technologies and innovations that can help them improve yields and increase incomes. Ensuring that women have access to tools and plant science innovations they need to succeed is key to promoting global food security and helping create a world with zero hunger

Encouraging and promoting opportunities for women in agriculture — be it through working on a farm or pursuing a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) concentration — ultimately helps to address global issues related to climate change, biodiversity and societal rights. The plant science industry is in a unique position to approach these issues with viable solutions — by addressing inequality within the industry, we can better work towards solving these global issues for good.

CropLife International encourages diversity and inclusion in the field of plant science. If you’ve ever thought about a future in the plant science industry, read through this helpful field guide to see what opportunities lie ahead.


As you’re starting your career, a wide range of concentrations and opportunities are available to you. It’s important to think about what kind of job you want to do and which aspects of STEM interest you the most. Are you most interested in genetics? Perhaps a job as a biochemist or a biotechnologist would be best for you. If chemistry is your passion, then take a look at becoming a toxicologist. If you’ve always had a curiosity for insects or bugs, check out the life of an entomologist.

No matter what your passion, interests, location, even likes and dislikes may be, you are sure to find an opportunity in plant science just for you. There’s many different paths you can choose!

In fact, there is such an incredible amount of job diversity in agriculture, that you are not even limited to working directly with plants. If you like math and have a specific interest in finance or accounting, an agrifinance firm may be the right place to start your career. On the other hand, if the idea of working on a farm or in a field of crops sounds appealing to you, you can become an agroecologist and develop sustainable soil management practices, such as Soil Health Institute Chief Science Officer Dr. Cristine Morgan and Water Smart Agriculture Program Regional Technical Advisor Dr. Marie-Soleil Turmel. Careers in agriculture extend even beyond the STEM fields—rural sociology and agricultural communications are just two examples of even more opportunity in agriculture.


As you work to secure your dream job in agriculture or STEM, there may be some challenges or snags you hit along the way—do not let them discourage you! While the gender gap in agriculture remains, progress is being made year after year, and barriers are being broken down by ambitious and driven women in science – leading the way for those that may follow in their footsteps.

Take it from the words of some of the women CropLife International has previously featured in our  Female #FoodHeroes campaign:

“While barriers remain, I believe the situation for women in science has improved over where it has been historically. Around the world, movements like the International Day of Women and Girls in Science help to highlight the gaps that remain, but more importantly, the achievements of women in STEM fields. These are important steps in the right direction.”

– Cari Carstens, Global Regulatory Lead – Seed Applied Technologies & Biologicals at Corteva Agriscience, United States

“One piece of advice I want to give to young women in agricultural science is to expand your interests. Take time to look around, read more and talk to more people. Even if you already have a specific area to focus on, having a broad knowledge-base and interests will allow you to innovate more through interaction.”

– Xi Chen, Group Leader at Syngenta Beijing Innovation Center, China

“I would advise young women today to obtain an education in the field of agriculture, and after graduating ask that they return to help develop agriculture in their home villages…I would like to form a Women’s Farmer Group. As women we must be food heroes, for the generations to come.”

– Ibu Kholliqunah, Farmer in Lumajang, East Java, Indonesia

“Women need to be better represented in agriculture. New solutions require diverse perspectives, different genders and different regional outlooks…Working with agriculture or food systems is an awesome opportunity for those interested in being part of the solution to deliver the global goals from plant breeding to data science and innovations! We need more diversity — we need more women.”

– Gabriela Burian, Sustainable Food Systems Lead for Bayer, United States

“The expectations of you and your role as a woman (and mother) in agriculture and industry, may be very different to how you feel and what you want to do in your life. Be brave, be smart, be energetic. Don´t hold back! And look for role models and mentors to inspire you during tough times. Networks help. And taking breaks to recharge your batteries.”

– Elke Duwenig, Senior Expert in Biotechnology, BASF, Germany

“As a teacher and farmer, I would encourage a young farmer to expand her own knowledge and seek out knowledgeable people who want to see her grow as a good steward of the land. Growing sustainable food is the most essential career in the world. Civilizations depend on us, so own this role with pride and integrity.”

– Jeannette Andrashewski, Farmer, Canada

“My biggest challenge was believing in myself and knowing I was qualified enough to take on the next challenge. Mentoring and role models have been key to overcoming these doubts, and they have enabled me to grow and now be in a position where I can do the same for young women in agriculture. I believe there is a need for more mentoring programs for women in agriculture.”

– Catherine Feuillet, Chief Science Officer, Inari Agriculture, United States

“Follow your interest, bring your passion and commitment to work and make your voice heard. Now is a fantastic time to get involved to shape the future of farming. Technologies are progressing at a significant pace and opportunities are endless. We need individuals with curiosity, creativity and the will to make a difference.”

– Jutta Boehmer, Head of Crop Protection Research Bioscience, Syngenta, United Kingdom

“This may sound simple, but one thing that took me many years to learn is that my voice and my ideas are important. To all women and men out there who are still finding their own voice – don’t be afraid to speak up and share your ideas. Chances are, you may also be speaking on behalf of someone else who hasn’t spoken up, and you may inspire them to raise their own voice the next time.”

– Laura Potter, Head of Analytics & Data Sciences, Syngenta, United States

“My advice is for them to educate themselves, to learn, and be very good at what they do. One important career differential is the ability to manage a business and people, but we cannot afford to lose our understanding of the differences between human beings: between men and women, youth and adults, the rich and the poor. We have to respect those differences and learn that everyone around us has something to add to our daily lives and to agriculture.”

– Hilda Andrea Loschi, Agronomist Engineer, Brazil

“Agriculture needs young women to not only be part of the industry but to step up and lead. Young women can use social media to advocate for modern agriculture and share their perspectives with peers who want to know if their food is grown in a safe and sustainable manner.”

– Shannon Hauf, Senior Vice President and Head of Crop Technology for Soybeans, Bayer, United States

We’ve spoken with dozens of other Female #FoodHeroes who have given us great insight into being a woman in the plant science industry. If you don’t have time to read through these testimonials (and we encourage you to do so!) there are a couple key takeaways these inspirational women agree upon:

  • Be your own cheerleader
  • Find a mentor in the industry who can help you grow and navigate challenges
  • Support, encourage and advocate for women in your industry
  • Don’t lose sight of your initial ambition and goals
  • Seek out opportunities to learn new things
  • Your perspective is valuable – let it be heard!


Soon it will be time to tidy up your CV (curriculum vitae) and cover letter and start applying for your dream job. While you’re finalizing your application materials, consider where you might look to apply. Almost everywhere you look, there are support systems and opportunities available to help you on your path. FMC Corp., for example, has partnered with the Women’s Initiative Network to help support professional development opportunities for women in the company. Sumitomo offers resources from career support to childcare support to support working mothers. Corteva launched an internal platform called Common Ground to elevate the voices of women in agriculture and advocate for change.

Other companies have set targets to encourage women in leadership and management roles. BASF  Corporation is actively seeking to promote women in leadership roles within their company, and Bayer is dedicated to gender balance in management positions. And in 2016, Syngenta was recognized by Women in Agribusiness (WIA) as the company of the year for diversity thanks to its progressive diversity and inclusion policy and commitments.

Besides these companies’ career pages, you can review career sites like to find a company or position that best suits you. If you’re considering a university (or are already in university!) in the U.S. think about getting involved in Annie’s Project or the Sigma Alpha professional agriculture sorority to grow your connections — and also meet new friends! Similar affinity groups are available in many countries globally. If you’ve already graduated, reach out to the Women, Food and Agriculture Network and see if there’s an upcoming virtual conference you can attend.


By bringing the best and brightest women to the forefront of the agriculture industry, we can not only make huge strides in achieving equality, but also work towards solving global challenges that threaten our very existence. Food insecurity, biodiversity and even climate change can be better addressed and mitigated if we encourage more diversity in plant science. Through resources like this, we at CropLife International hope we can help jumpstart successful careers for brilliant, ambitious women all over.

If you have found this field guide helpful and inspiring, please share it with friends or family who may also find value in it. And for similar content from CropLife International, check out our Female #FoodHeroes series and our video on five influential women changing the landscape of agriculture for the better.


Pandemic Reminds Us: Role of Regional Growers More Critical Than Ever

Singapore, 10 February 2021 – With people in Asia and around the world set to celebrate Lunar New Year, CropLife Asia called for greater appreciation of regional growers and their critical contributions to food production – helping ensure food security across Asia and making available many of the ingredients to dishes enjoyed during this festive time of year.

“Lunar New Year is a time when we reflect, spend more time with friends and family, and enjoy the delicious foods of the season,” said Dr. Siang Hee Tan, CropLife Asia Executive Director. “In the midst of the ongoing global pandemic, it all takes on greater meaning. The time spent with loved ones and eating the foods we savour will be that much more enjoyable and memorable.

“In the midst of this year’s gatherings, I hope we can also take time to think of and thank our farmer heroes. The men and women we depend on for the food we eat during this holiday and throughout the year have been hit hard by COVID-19. They drive food security for Asia in the midst of a growing number of challenges and obstacles. Asia’s farmers earn our respect and appreciation every day, and we owe them our gratitude.”

Farmers across Asia help make Lunar New Year celebrations more festive, nutritious and delicious by producing the various foods that are served during the holiday season. In China and across Asia, mandarin oranges are a staple that can be found on tables and given as gifts. In Vietnam, xoi (sticky rice) is synonymous with Tet celebrations. Meanwhile, tteokguk (rice cake soup) is a popular dish enjoyed by many in Korea; while tikoy (sticky rice treat) is a delicacy prepared by many of those celebrating in the Philippines.

The past year has been an unprecedented time for everyone; this has been particularly true for farmers in our region. Asia is home to the smallest-sized farms and the largest number of smallholder farmers globally. The pandemic has only exacerbated a challenging landscape for these smallholders – one that includes mitigating the devasting impacts of locusts, the Fall Armyworm invasive pest and climate change. Despite these challenges, regional farmers continue to grow the safe and nutritious foods on which we depend and help ensure food security for a growing Asia and world. Plant science continues to play a critical role in enabling farmers on this front. Biotech crops have been developed with improved traits such as increased yield, better resistance to pests and/or improved nutrition, among others. These traits are crucial tools that help farmers meet global challenges such as food insecurity. Meanwhile, farmers continue to rely on crop protection products to produce more food on less land and raise productivity per hectare. Without crop protection products, 40 percent of global rice and maize harvests could be lost every year and losses for fruits and vegetables could be as high as 50-90 percent.

About CropLife Asia
CropLife Asia is a non-profit society and the regional organization of CropLife International, the voice of the global plant science industry.  We advocate a safe, secure food supply, and our vision is food security enabled by innovative agriculture.  CropLife Asia supports the work of 15 member associations across the continent and is led by six member companies at the forefront of crop protection, seeds and/or biotechnology research and development.  For more information, visit us at
For more information please contact: 
Duke Hipp
Director, Public Affairs & Strategic Partnerships
CropLife Asia
Tel. (65) 6221 1615


On Nov 16 – 20, 2020, CropLife Asia, CropLife Philippines and the Biotechnology Coalition of the Philippines held the 14th Pan-Asia Farmers Exchange Program virtually as a one-week webinar series via Zoom platform.

Participants from the US and the Asia-Pacific – Australia, China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, India and Pakistan joined the webinar series.

On Nov 16, Dr. Rhodora Aldemita, the Director, of ISAAA Southeast Asia Center and Director of the Global Knowledge Center on Crop Biotechnology – International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA), gave an overview of modern biotechnology.

Dr. Russell Reinke, Theme Leader of the Improving Health Through Safe and Nutritionally Enhanced Rice Program at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), shared the Golden Rice Experience.

And Dr. Szabolcs Ruthner, Regulatory Affairs Manager of the International Seed Federation (ISF), presented a quick overview of new plant breeding innovations.

The session was opened by Dr. Sianghee Tan, Executive Director of CropLife Asia and moderated by Ms. Sonny Tababa, Biotechnology Affairs Director of CropLife Asia.

Below is the recorded video of the 1st day of the program.

On Nov 17, Dr. Saturnina C. Halos, President of the Biotechnology Coalition of the Philippines (BCP), discussed biosafety regulations, including environmental risk assessment and food safety assessment.

Dr. Gabriel Romero, Executive Director of the Philippine Seed Industry Association (PSIA) and Ms. Rosemary Richards, President of the Australian Oilseeds Federation, shared the road to commercialization of each of their very own country’s cultivated GM crop. Dr. Romero discussed about Bt Corn in the Philippines, and Ms. Richards talked about GM Canola in Australia.

The session was moderated by Mr. Abraham Manalo, the Executive Secretary of the Biotechnology Coalition of the Philippines (BCP).

Below is the recorded session of the 2nd day of the program.

On Nov 18, the session was all about Science Communication.

Ms. Ma. Aileen Garcia, Manager, Project Coordination and Stakeholder Advocacy of the Healthier Rice Program at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), gave an overview on science communication.

Dr. Xiaoqing Liu, Associate Research Fellow of the Biotechnology Research Institute at Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences; Mr. Anil Ghanwat, President of the Shetkari Sangathan (farmer association) in India; Ms. Annalyn Lopez, Director-Coordinator of the Biotechnology Program at the Philippine Department of Agriculture; and Ms. Ta Thi Kieu Anh from the Biodiversity Conservation Agency at the Vietnam Environment Administration shared their experiences in communicating biotechnology in their respective countries.

This session was moderated by Dr. Rhodora Aldemita, Director, ISAAA Southeast Asia Center; Director, Global Knowledge Center on Crop Biotechnology, International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA).

Below is the recorded video of the 3rd day of the program.

On Nov 19, farmers from different countries shared their experiences in commercially growing GM crops.

Ms Belinda ‘Bindi’ Murray, a dryland broadacre farmer from Woodanilling in the Great Southern Western Australia talked about how they grow GM Canola.

Mr. Tulus Panduwijaya, the director at Pt. Perkebunan Nusantara XI, a government-owned estate whose main business activity is the production of sugar, and Mr. Alex Suherman, the Biotech and Seeds Director of CropLife Indonesia took us on a virtual tour and learned about Indonesia’s GM Sugarcane.

Mr Juanito Rama, a successful Bt corn farmer from Tarlac, Philippines, shared how Bt corn has improved and made their lives better. Moreover, Bt corn farmers from Vietnam, Mr Nguyen Thanh Phong from Nghe An Province, Mr Hoang Van Tuyen from Son La Province, and Mr Hoang Trong Ngai from Vinh Phuc Province also shared their experiences in growing Bt corn.

On the other hand, Mr. Amir Hayyat Bhandara, a corn, cotton & wheat farmer in Pakpattan, Pakistan, shared his views and expressed how Pakistan farmers need to have access to this technology, to these GM crops.

This session was moderated by Ms. Ma Emeru B. Rodriguez, Seeds Committee Vice Chairperson of CropLife Philippines.

Below is the recorded session of the 4th day of the program.

On Nov 20, the main focus was Crop Improvement and Seed Quality.

Ms. Hannah Mae Tolentino, together with her colleagues in the Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice), Ms. Ronalyn Miranda and Mr. Malvin Duldulao, gave a virtual tour of the PhilRice Biotech Laboratories and PhilRice Genebank.

And Dr. Antonio Alfonso, the Regulatory and Stewardship Manager of Corteva Agriscience in the Philippines, showed how the industry keeps the good quality of seeds before it is released for farmers use.

This session was moderated by Ms. Thelma Soriano, Seeds Director of CropLife Asia, and was concluded by Mr. Edilberto de Luna, Executive Director of CropLife Philippines.

Below is the video of the 5th and last day of the 14th Pan-Asia Farmers Exchange Program.

CropLife Asia features women farmers in their Farmer Forum Webinar Series

On November 26, the new installation of the Farmer Forum Webinar series was launched and it was focused on the challenges faced by women farmers in the wake of COVID-19. The topics explored labor shortages, transport and market access. In this webinar, we will learn that in different countries, there are also unique challenges that farmers face during these times. Let us all learn from our women farmers and listen to what they have to say:

Panelists include:

Ms. Henny Mapatangka – Mainstay Fisherman Farmers Group, Indonesia

Ms. Madhuri Ghosh – Mahila Bikash Cooperative Credit Society, India

Ms. Rosalie Ellasus – Disaster Risk Reduction Management Officer, Philippines

Ms. Shalini Kumari – Farmer, India

This session was moderated by Ms. Sonny Tababa, Biotechnology Affairs Director.


By: CropLife International

It’s been 50 years since Norman Borlaug was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his contributions to global food security. Over the last half-century, agriculture has leveraged science and innovation to continue the Green Revolution that Dr. Borlaug started to help grow rural communities and agricultural economies, and sustainably feed our population. This year’s recognition of the World Food Programme for the Nobel Peace Prize shows us that there is still much work to be done to achieve Zero Hunger. Farmers globally are challenged with sustainably growing safe and nutritious foods while adjusting to climate change conditions and working to preserve biodiversity and the environment.

Agriculture is moving beyond just improving food security and can significantly help achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. A new generation of agriculturalists, environmentalists, and changemakers will help shape how agriculture will intersect with not just climate change, biodiversity, and livelihoods, but also social rights including how agriculture can improve equity and access.

The 2020 World Food Prize and International Borlaug Dialogue is taking place in 2020 from October 12 – 16. This year’s theme is “Breaking New Ground: Building Resilience Today for Improved Global Food Systems Tomorrow.”

CropLife International organized a virtual side event to recognize the achievements of Dr. Norman Borlaug and his impact of farming today, with a panel discussing the journey agriculture will take in the next 50 years. Featuring a welcome from CropLife International President and CEO Giulia Di Tommaso, the panel was moderated by Christine Gould, founder and CEO of Thought For Food and member of the Advisory Committee for the UN Food Systems Summit. Panelists included Michael Doane, Global Managing Director for Sustainable Food and Water at The Nature Conservancy, and Cassia Moraes, Founder and CEO of Youth Climate Leaders.

Don’t have time to watch the full event? Please see a summary below of the panelists’ contributions; their respective fireside chats have also been pulled out into separate videos.

Conservation & Sustainable Agriculture: A Discussion with Michael Doane
Creating a balanced, sustainable relationship with nature is critical for feeding a growing global population today and for future generations. Finding that balance is no easy task, but Michael Doane has spent his career working to ensure agriculture can thrive through a sustainable lens.

The Nature Conservancy’s mission is to conserve the land and water that sustains all life on our planet. Michael’s role with The Nature Conservancy is to find ways to scale up conservation outcomes across productively managed farming, ranching and agroforestry landscapes.

CropLife International invited Michael to participate in a virtual fireside chat moderated by Christine Gould. In this interview, Michael highlights that a sustainable relationship with agriculture and nature is not only completely possible, it’s become more mainstream through the adoption of “regenerative agriculture.”

While there is certainly a long way to go, the spark to jumpstart a sustainable restoration agenda exists and is ready to ignite. Watch Michael recount his experiences in advocating for sustainability and share his thoughts on the impact of Dr. Norman Borlaug and the Green Revolution:

Youth Fighting Climate Change: A Discussion with Cassia Moraes
In order to meet our goals in implementing sustainable agricultural practices and mitigating the effects of climate change, we need a grassroots movement. Cassia Moraes’ job is to connect and mobilize youth to grow that movement to fuel progress toward a more sustainable future.
Cassia Moraes founded Youth Climate Leaders, a global youth leadership network dedicated to connecting and organizing youth to fight climate change. Inspired by Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth, Cassia has dedicated the better part of the last decade to finding innovative ways to fight climate change.

Cassia sat down with Christine Gould to talk about what the Youth Climate Leaders organization does, how Cassia empowers young people to become climate leaders, and what the plant science industry can to do curb the effects of climate change.

Cassia emphasizes that even though the issue of climate change may seem daunting and overwhelming, anyone can make a difference on the individual level to help mitigate its effects — and this growing movement is cause for optimism. Watch Cassia recount her experiences in advocating for sustainability and share her thoughts on the impact of Dr. Borlaug and the Green Revolution:

Farming Perspectives: Looking to the Future
The side event was organized in partnership with the Global Farmer Network (GFN) and featured a short video interview with two young farmers who work with the Global Farmer Network: Ruramiso Mashumba, Farmer in Marondera, Zimbabwe and Diego Guigou, Agronomist in Dolores, Uruguay. They spoke about the major challenges facing food and feed production today, and what steps can be taken to ensure agriculture continues to flourish in the future.

Click here to read the full interviews with Ruramiso and Diego.

More Impactful Partnership to Address Asia’s “Gathering Food Security Storm” Urged by Regional Plant Science Industry

CropLife Asia Makes Appeal to Region’s Food Supply Stakeholders with kickoff of FAO APAC Meetings

Singapore, 1 September 2020 – As the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN) convened virtually to begin its Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific, CropLife Asia took the opportunity to raise the growing threat posed by a number of factors to the region’s food supply and the critical need for shared, sustainable solutions driven by stakeholder collaboration across the food value chain.

“Our regional supply of safe and nutritious food is being threatened like never before,” said Dr. Siang Hee Tan, CropLife Asia Executive Director. “These unprecedented times call for an unprecedented response – including strong partnership among the region’s food supply stakeholders.

“In the fields, regional farmers are contending with limited natural resources, increasingly erratic weather, and a greater number of weeds, diseases and pests with which to contend. Sadly, the COVID-19 pandemic has only added to the pressure on our regional growers as well as the larger food supply chain.

“The meetings this week are a great opportunity to bring our regional food supply stakeholders closer together in delivering shared solutions. It’s critical that we use this opportunity to drive more impactful partnership across the food supply chain and meet the challenges posed by the gathering food security storm we face in Asia.”

Earlier this year, the UN’s 2020 State of Food Security & Nutrition in the World concluded that almost 690 million globally went hungry in 2019. The research also indicated that Asia is home to the greatest number of undernourished people.

In another policy brief released by the UN recently, The Impact of COVID-19 on Food Security and Nutrition, serious concerns were also raised regarding the effect COVID-19 is having globally on the most vulnerable parts of society already experiencing hunger and malnutrition.

Plant science continues to play a crucial role in helping feed our growing global population. Biotech crops are developed with improved traits such as increased yield, better resistance to pests and/or improved nutrition, among others. These traits are important tools that enable farmers to meet global challenges such as food insecurity. Meanwhile, farmers continue to rely on crop protection products to produce more food on less land and raise productivity per hectare. Without crop protection products, 40 percent of global rice and maize harvests could be lost every year and losses for fruits and vegetables could be as high as 50-90 percent.


About CropLife Asia

CropLife Asia is a non-profit society and the regional organization of CropLife International, the voice of the global plant science industry.  We advocate a safe, secure food supply, and our vision is food security enabled by innovative agriculture.  CropLife Asia supports the work of 15 member associations across the continent and is led by six member companies at the forefront of crop protection, seeds and/or biotechnology research and development.  For more information, visit us at

For more information please contact:

Duke Hipp 

Director, Public Affairs & Strategic Partnerships                                                                             

CropLife Asia                                                                        

Tel: (65) 6221 1615