Category Archives: Infographic


By: CropLife International

We rely on crops for more than just the food we eat – we also need them for the clothes we wear. More traditional textiles are made from crops like cotton and linen, but did you know fabric could be made from pineapples and bananas?

Unfortunately, these unexpected fiber crops are still susceptible to pests and diseases. Learn about these cool clothing crops and what plant scientists are doing to protect them:


Pesticides help protect this tasty and useful tropical fruit. 

Plant science protects straw so it can protect you from the sun. 

Saris can be made from banana silk and fungicides help keep this vegan silk alternative available.

Cork trees are susceptible to disease.  Plant science keeps your shoes and those trees standing tall. 

Nettles are hardy and can attract beneficial pest-predators as part of an Integrated Pest Management strategy.